Change is.

Change is good. Change is a sign of life. Change that moves you towards your goal is a Good Thing™.

Change is the Only Thing that Never Changes

I keep running across questions on various lists along the lines of “why is agile better than waterfall, besides it not being waterfall?” The answer to that bit me once again over the weekend: agility is better because, done reasonably well, it responds to change far better (by any standard) than waterfall does.

Repost: Welcome to Syria

Reposted from muslimwomenwearclothestoo:

piscine-unrelated: I wonder how hard it would be...


Sadly, Later.

Like a lot of people, I’m really excited by the promise of Docker. A reproducible, reliable environment that banishes “it works on my machine” from any team’s vocabulary? What’s not to like?

Beware the Bandersnatch: What Git GUI Is Using YOU?

I routinely have open at least one of two Git GUI interfaces; GitHub for Mac (aka GH:Mac) and [Atlassian SourceTree] They each have their uses; GitHub for Mac is drop-dead simple, deliberately eschewing the level of detailed features of SourceTree. (For example, I don’t think it’s possible to cherry-pick commits using GH:Mac; in SourceTree, it’s very straightforward.)

Change is NOT as hard as it looks.

(But it tries, at least on first appearances.)

If Linus' Law means anything, having a...

If Linus’s Law means anything, having a monocultural, uniformly male team is playing Russian roulette with several bullets more than necessary. (Which has been formally proven.)

Scalable Code Without Bloat: DCI, Use Cases, and You


My world is that of startups. I’ve been working at early stage companies or starting them for almost fifteen years now. So my worldview is a bit colored by the needs of startups, but I submit that these needs translate to those of any organization faced with the challenge of delivering a…

Bootstrap and alternates are GREAT! Except when they lead to...

divitis like this (in a Slim template):


We’re up on Jekyll! I believe the appropriate technical term at this point is


Plan #74,169 for Improved Productivity in Communication is underway. Watch this space!

More likely to be an old-school PHP guy than a Rubyist.

There’s something about a community culture that, more often than not, treats a lack of tests as a defect in itself, compared to one that’s been ravaged by “Have a WEBSITE for $10”- and “Learn X in 21 Seconds”-level stupidity.

Imitation Is NOT The Highest Form of Usability.

I really appreciate Slim view templates. What I don’t appreciate is Haml-style shorthand for things like CSS class names.

Lotus: A complete web framework for Ruby

Lotus — A complete web framework for Ruby

This just earned a place high atop my “Tools to Evaluate” list; largely due to the overall description in the main project README, and utterly cemented by this bit in the Lotus::View README:

It’s based on a separation between views and templates.

A view is an object that encapsulates the presentation logic of a page. A template is a file that defines the semantic and visual elements of a page. In order to show a result to an user, a template must be rendered by a view.

No more inscrutable magic in Rails view handling! Thank you!

Privacy isn't always easy. Especially in real life, or in Ruby.

If you have something like

Not eating my words, but...

…thinking some people might wonder if I’m nibbling on the punctuation.

Change [is/may be/should be/huh?] good...

Fiddling around again… Just changed the theme of this Tumblr from Optimus to Paper, Seems a bit easier to read to these tired eyes, but tell me what you think.

Rails, Circular Logic and Incremental Big Bang Architecture

Rails is a fantastic solution to a well-understood class of problem: the CRUD-oriented (or REST-oriented) query/report/update Web application, circa 2004-2006. Its philosophy of curation over configuration, despite having been likened to the report-producing languages of old (such as IBM RPG II, means that you really only have two things to worry about: your domain business logic and page transitions (which is another way of saying “your domain business logic, as it applies to presentation”).

Language, UX Epic Fail, Laziness and Hubris

Watch this!

Interview with David Heinemeier Hansson (DHH) @ RailsConf Chicago 2014

Interview with David Heinemeier Hansson (DHH) @ RailsConf Chicago 2014